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PAST EVENT 25th February and 4th March 2022

PEER POWERED PUBLIC SERVICE: Find a simple path through complex challenges by enabling colleagues and your community to empower each other

Live events 25th February and 4th March 2022

IN PLAIN ENGLISH = come and find space to face the societal or organisational challenges in front of you in the company of peers and grow your capabilities to inspire colleagues and partners to make progress on them together.


All without forcing, overthinking or pushing beyond our human limits.


  • wants to tackle significant social issues in your patch pragmatically and powerfully, and know you can’t do it alone

  • has a role or interest in fundamentally shifting how colleagues relate to one another and to communities across places and systems, for example (but not limited to) as a Director of Communities, Head of Engagement, Participation Lead, Director of Transformation, CEO 

  • believes in taking a strengths-based approach to enabling both staff and local people 

  • understands you need to role model a shift in power to enable colleagues to do the same with those you serve and would appreciate a refresh to be more consistent

  • sometimes finds the complexity of tackling multiple challenges, organisational barriers and staff issues overwhelming and would welcome space to pause and reflect

  • is ready to think creatively and boldly about new ways of working amongst staff and with those you serve

Daisy Flowers


  • A reflective, supportive space to connect with other organisational and system leaders about how we can enable fundamental shifts in public services and community leadership

  • Food for thought - inspiration for how to peer-power your service by growing the capabilities and conditions for fundamental change led by the many not the few

  • A chance to practice and grow some of these capabilities yourself that you can take away and apply straight away with colleagues


Session 1:

Introduction to a Peer Powered public service and Communities developing themselves

Session 2:

Putting it into practice ourselves - refining our own coaching approach to enable us to role model a shift in power

Sessions will be facilitated by Becky Seale, Founder of Coaching Communities and Jo Maybin, Fellow at The King's Fund and Coaching Communities Associate - find out more about us here



  • Giving you a direct experience of the conditions we are teaching by…

  • Starting where you are and with what you want, rather than filling your head with our own assumptions about what is important

  • Inviting you to take a break from pushing or rushing, and land in what you know, what you feel and what you really want to do

  • Deeply connecting with each other, listening, and helping each other make progress

  • Ensuring that you walk away with tangible skills that you can apply straight away


If you leave the session and consistently apply what you learn to your interactions with colleagues, friends, family you can expect to experience:


  • Some surprise at first from people that you aren’t just telling them what to do (!)

  • A genuine appreciation for the gift of your listening 

  • People surprising you with their own solutions.


If you decide to develop the capabilities and conditions for peers to empower each other in your team, organisation or communities you can expect:


  • Greater wellbeing, confidence and collaborative action emerge naturally 

  • Unexpected and more diverse leadership - people speaking up and acting who are normally silent or unseen

  • Improved and different relationships, fewer people-related headaches

  • An energy for change that feels infectious and shared 

  • A relief that you don’t have to do it all, can trust people and make significant progress on seemingly intractable challenges.

Coaching Communities

Networks that empower people to lead their own change  

Coaching Communities partner with local communities and organisations who want to grow collaborative leadership for sustainable change in their place.


We exist so that anyone with a passion to make a change in their lives, work or community can take empowered action. 


As a social enterprise, our focus is on enabling those who have traditionally been disadvantaged, disempowered or typically led, to take charge and lead change. 


Our simple formula 


We foster empowered and collaborative action in organisations and communities by giving people skills and a network. It’s a simple formula!


1) seed leadership skills amongst those who are typically ‘led’

2) grow a network of peers who can empower each other to achieve their goals

3) watch them enact ideas that you would never have thought of and take stewardship of them

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